Business Data
Work Phone: 
+39 010 8970500, ext. 201
Personal Bio

Marina arrives in Creative Words in the role of Project Manager. After 4 years in the role, with the ‘genAI revolution’ and the need to keep up with the times, she changes role to Solutions Architect where she now deals with finding solutions for integrating the localisation flow into customers’ processes and with optimising company-wide processes with AI integration. Recognising the latter as a necessity also outside Creative Words, with the cooperation of the entire Innovation Lab, Marina is working on business consulting and training courses aimed at the ethical and effective use of AI in companies.

Presentation title: 
Rewriting the Rules: How GenAI is Reshaping Non-Linguistic Workflows
Presentation description: 
Ever since genAI arrived on our devices the hype for this new technology reached impossible hights. In the localization industry, together with hype there was also a great fear of what the future holds for language services. We have all experimented with all the most common uses of genAI and we have heard about them times and times again: creation of multilingual content, re-writing based on different tone of voice, translation, creation of descriptions from just few hints… but is that all there is? In this presentation, I will firstly introduce the Innovation Lab at Creative Words, an R&D hub which is already quite the innovation in an LSP, with the objective of changing the company mindset and push all departments to optimization of processes. Afterwards, I will describe how training on AI in general and genAI in particular has brought higher understanding of the goal of optimization and helped with the mindset switch. Finally, I will present some real use cases (from automatic payment reminders to the analysis of replies of internal surveys, from the extraction of topics for case studies from questionnaires to the support in creating formulas to compare data) that have been integrated in the workflow of departments that are not directly involved in the localization process and how genAI was used not as the main tool, but as a support for the development of the ideas.