Workshop ("Charrette") organised in the context of the LT_Observatory project (funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the EU). The workshop was held within the framework of the "20th European Symposium on Languages for special purposes" in Vienna on 9th July 2015.
Participants of the workshop were given a short briefing paper that explained the reason for the workshop and put forward the 5 questions that were at the focus of the discussions:
Point 1: Finding terminology LRs: where, how centralised, public/private availability?
Point 2: Evaluating terminology LRs: who, how, why, which standards?
Point 3: Maintaining terminology LRs: who, how, where?
Point 4: Technical features: formats, management systems, standards
Point 5: New terminology developments/practices on the horizon that might impact MT usability: research projects etc.
The workshop was attended by 12 persons of 7 countries (not counting the 4 LTO project partners), mainly experts in terminology, including the Head of Terminology of the European Parliament.