LT-Innovate is the global Association of the Language Technology (LT) Industry. Its full members (PREMIUM or REGULAR) are LT suppliers, integrators and users. Other stakeholders may join LT-Innovate as ASSOCIATE, LISTED or INDIVIDUAL members.

LT-Innovate membership categories:

Premium Members want to lead the LT Industry and establish it as a major provider of enabling technologies for industries as well as public and private services. LT-Innovate offers them a platform to leverage their leadership, boost their visibility, promote their solutions, facilitate cooperation with partners in the various LT value-chains and influence policy makers.

Regular Members want to optimise their performance, forge partnerships and collaborate in common projects. LT-Innovate offers them visibility, information channels, events and activities to sustain these goals.

Associate Members have a genuine interest in LT and are interested in working with the LT industry in various capacities.

Listed Members are keen to be listed in the LT Directory and receive regular information about LT-Innovate activities.

Individual Members want to be part of the LT community out of personal interest but do not qualify for membership benefits (besides receiving our NewsFlash).

PREMIUM MEMBERS (€4500 p.a.) enjoy the following benefits:

Business Boost:

  • Shape discussions, pool resources, identify needs, solve problems, pursue opportunities and collaborate on projects with peers in the industry;
  • Play a key role in LT-Innovate’s Innovation Acceleration programme boosting sustainable commercial interaction scenarios in the LT value-chains;
  • Priority participation in LT-Innovate's Webinar programme.

Visibility Raise:

  • Premium corporate and individual profiles in the LT Directory specifying your offerings in language technology;
  • Corporate logo in promotional banner on LT-Innovate homepage;
  • Priority announcement of your corporate news in the LTI NewsFlash and social media channels;
  • Priority speaker’s slots and booth at the yearly Language Intelligence Summit and other LTI events.

Strategic Involvement:

  • Participate in the governance of LT-Innovate with decision-making power as ex officio Board member;
  • Become eligible to the LT-Innovate Executive Committee (Chair & Vice-Chairs) mandated to speak on behalf of the LT industry;
  • Take a leading role in the drafting process of public positions reflecting industry views, notably on public policies and programmes of concern to the Industry.

REGULAR MEMBERS (€1750 p.a.) enjoy the following benefits:

Business Boost:

  • Shape discussions, pool resources, identify needs, solve problems, pursue opportunities and collaborate on projects with peers in the industry;
  • Possibility to propose topics and speakers for LT-Innovate's Webinar programme.

Visibility Raise:

  • Standard corporate and individual profiles in the LT Directory;
  • Corporate logo in promotional banner on LT-Innovate homepage;
  • Reserved speaker’s slot at the yearly Language Intelligence Conference and other events (e.g. webinars), depending on availability;
  • Frequent mentions in LT-Innovate's web / social media / publications.

Strategic Involvement:

  • Participate in the governance of LT-Innovate with decision-making power as General Assembly member;
  • Become eligible to the LT-Innovate Board of Directors;
  • Participate in the drafting process of public positions reflecting industry views, notably on public policies and programmes of concern to the Industry.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (€600 p.a.) enjoy the following benefits:

Visibility Raise:

  • Be part of the membership of the Language Technology Industry Association;
  • Basic corporate and individual entry in the LT Directory;
  • Receive all information sent out to members via e-mail;
  • Spread your news via our LT-Innovate NewsFlash.

Networking Boost:

  • Participate in events and receive calls for speakers.

LISTED MEMBERS, by joining LT-Innovate for only €200 p.a. you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Basic corporate and individual entry in the LT Directory.
  • Receive industry news and information about LT-related developments through the LT-Innovate NewsFlash.


Individual membership is free upon simple registration. Persons thus registered will appear in the LT Directory with an individual profile (but no corporate profile). Furthermore, individual members are included in the LTI database and receive regular information through LT-Innovate's NewsFlash.