The LANGUAGE INTELLIGENCE 2024 conference offers sponsors a carefully selected and high level audience with which to interact. Leading-edge technologists mixing with brand names, research luminaries, market analysts and big business users from various application markets offer a unique networking experience. In addition, carefully placed speaking slots and dedicated session naming ensures brand exposure in a targeted environment. LI2024 is the ideal meeting point to learn, exchange, network, forge new partnerships, find new clients and get tuned to the multilingual intelligent future. LI2024 takes place in the premises of the Austrian Parliament, one of the most prestigious locations in the city centre of Vienna.


  • Industry Professionals: Professionals from various industries, including marketing, customer service, product management, data science and user experience, who want to explore how language intelligence can enhance their content, products and services.
  • Start-ups, Scale-ups and Entrepreneurs: Individuals and organisations looking for innovative applications of language intelligence in new products or services.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Practitioners: Those who are involved in the development and implementation of AI and ML algorithms related to language processing, understanding, and generation.
  • Leaders and Decision Makers: Those who are in charge of strategic initiatives to ensure AI awareness and readiness prior to delivering effectiveness with AI implementation and adoption boosting language intelligence.
  • Linguists and Language Researchers: Professionals in the field of linguistics, computer science, AI, data science and related fields who want to stay updated on the latest advancements and research in language intelligence.Policy Makers and Ethicists: Individuals interested in policy considerations and ethical implications surrounding the development and deployment of language intelligence technologies.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialists: Practitioners working on developing and applying computational and foundational models for understanding and generating human language.
  • Data Scientists: Individuals working with large datasets, especially those containing language data, and interested in extracting insights or building models for language-related tasks.
  • Software Developers: Those creating applications and tools that involve language processing, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, language translation services, content management systems, etc.
  • Academics: Those creating and delivering educational programs in universities which highlight the importance of language intelligence in content strategies, operations and technology ecosystems.


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