OptiRisk specializes in optimisation and risk analytics and is renowned for its research and development of models and software systems in these domains. In the domain of Sentiment Analysis, OptiRisk is a partner of Thomson Reuters and RavenPack. The company has researched and published the Handbook of News Analytics in Finance and has developed the Sentiment Analysis Toolkit (SAT) which consolidates market data and news (meta) data and connects sentiment analysis to financial models. The other domain of specialisation of OptiRisk is Stochastic Optimisation; the company is a certified IBM partner (Optimisation Modelling) in the UK and in India. In the domain of optimisation the company has developed a family of Algebraic Modelling Language (AML) tools which are specifically designed for modelling and solving a wide range of stochastic programming and robust optimisation problems. The company has a track record of successfully delivering tailored applications in finance, logistics and energy systems.