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Since 2004 Jānis Ziediņš is working at Culture information systems centre of Ministry of Culture (Latvia), currently as Deputy director for Digital Development to help and lead IT projects in cultural and government sector. Janis has been involved in different types of culture related IT projects – most important of them – State Unified Information System for Archives and Joint Catalogue of the National Holdings of Museums, and development of Latvian state administration language technology platform Hugo.lv.

Presentation title: 
Unleashing the Power of Language Technologies in Public Services
Presentation description: 
My presentation will spotlight Latvia's remarkable journey in leveraging language technologies to enhance our e-gov sector. I will share how these innovation have significantly improved organizational efficiency on national scale and made information more accessible to our citizens. I am to shed light on the impact and challenges of integrated language technologies into public services, since language technologies (such as Generative AI and others) have become a recent trend, as well as a significant concern. The presentation will provide valuable insights into our experiences, strategies and the transformative potential of these technologies in the public sector. Conference visitors will hear details about Hugo.lv which is a Latvian state administration language technology platform that is freely accessible to every resident of Latvia. It provides automatic translation, speech recognition and speech synthesis, as well as a range of tools for supporting multilingual features in e-services. Hugo.lv is customized to the Latvian language and state administration documents, thus, its translation quality is much higher than in other online translation services. Latest addition to the platform is virtual assistant functionality. Platform uses multiple AI tools and possibilities. Currently, Hugo.lv serves around 1.5 million users per year, handles approximately 20 million translation requests, and translates half a billion words annually.