Language Technology Top Ten News May 2017

Top Ten LT Stories of May 2017

No time to read all tweets, scoops, blogs? Here is a summary of what we think are the Top Ten LT stories of the month, selected by our LangTechNews editor Andrew Joscelyne. Enjoy – and if you have a news-worthy story, contact us.

The Human Language Project: A New Approach to Research and Innovation in Language Technology?

The European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment office (STOA) recently published a study concerning the role of technology in achieving European “language equality in the digital age.”  It claims that more than twenty European languages are in danger of “digital extinction,” and that the language technology (LT) programme that might save them is “not properly represented in the agenda of European policy makers.” While the study deserves to be welcomed i

The Future of Language Resources for Machine Translation (LR4MT)

In a recent brief survey of language service suppliers (LSPs), LT-Innovate attempted to find out from the translation industry how they saw the future of language data availability specifically for machine translation. The results provide food for thought when it comes to planning for the improved usability of digital text resources in the years ahead. It looks as if new developments in machine translation (MT) technology will work in parallel with a growing need for the right data.

The European Language Cloud, or How to Enable Multilingual Europe

Multilingualism is a core value of the European Union, as integral to Europe as the freedom of movement, the freedom of residence, and the freedom of expression. The European Charter of Fundamental Rights, which enshrines the foundational rights and freedoms protected in the EU, upholds a respect for cultural, religious, and also linguistic diversity as a cornerstone of European policy.

Le Traitement Automatique des Langues (enfin) à l’Honneur

Confrontée à un volume d’information toujours croissant, l’Europe découvre, ravie, la valeur du traitement automatique des langues, ciment de la construction européenne.

Over the Hurdle of Multilingualism to Global Leadership

The Digital Single Market (DSM) has been declared a European priority by the European Commission. Rightfully so! Software eats everything and particularly eCommerce is enjoying dramatic growth rates and thus heavy investment. VP Andrus Ansip  has nicely summarized the vision of the Digital Single Market: “Consumers need to be able to buy the best products at the best prices, wherever they are in Europe.”

How Havas Media Views Consumer & Market Analytics

Our thesis: Language technologies — text, speech, and social analytics — natural language processing and semantic analysis – are the key to understanding consumer, market, and public voices. Apply them to extract the full measure of business value from social and online media, customer interactions and other enterprise data, scientific and financial information, and a spectrum of other sources. The insight you’ll gain means competitive edge, whatever your organization’s mission.

2014 - The Year of the Verticals for Europe's Language Technology Industry

In a recent interview, the CEO of  the Spanish firm Daedalus, José Carlos Gonzalez  said with great verve that his “goal for 2014 is to cover progressively the specific needs of our clients by helping them to develop solutions in vertical markets, freeing them from the complexity of language processing technology.”

European Software Companies need a Language Cloud

The high reply rate in a recent survey amongst LT-Innovate members calls for a European Language Cloud.

Language Technology firms experience a strong growth and almost all are hiring.

LT2013: Status and Potential of the European Language Technology Markets - Executive Summary

On 8 April, LT-Innovate released a landmark report which provides a comprehensive survey of the state of the Language Technology (LT) market in Europe today and projections for the next five years. It is divided into six parts, covering global trends in the ICT ecosystem, an analysis of specific trends in the LT industry, an exploration of innovation options for European LT companies, and a detailed account of the three strategic technology segments of speech interaction, multilingual communication and translation, and intelligent content that make up the LT market.
