No time to read all tweets, scoops, blogs? Here is a summary of the Top Ten LT stories of the month, selected by our LangTechNews editor Andrew Joscelyne. Enjoy – and if you have a newsworthy story, contact us.

  1. Democratising Speech Translation: Chinese firm Oppo launches wireless translation headsets
  2. Improving Machine Learning Models for Language: German company launches an automated annotation tool. Salesforce tests a 10-task approach to better understand linguistic nuance. And Apple uses user geolocation to identify better regional “proper noun” data
  3. Global Language Intelligence Markets: Chatbots to grow by 24% to 2022; deep learning chipsets to grow by 40% to 2025. Also check the numbers for home-speaker global voice search. Automatic speech translation could grow by 18% by 2025.
  4. Dept. of Security: Research demonstrates nationality can be identified from handwriting.
  5. Companies to Watch: Signal Media, for their multilingual market intelligence apps. Screen Systems helps automate live TV subtitles;
  6. Language Learning: Use VR for more “physicality”; meanwhile Amazon is getting users to teach new (Indian) languages to Alexa.
  7. Big Translation Company Manoeuvres: SDL acquires Donnelly.
  8. Media & Transcription: Vocasee launches automated media captioning/subtitling solution; and Internet giant transcription services evaluated;
  9. Language Problems with Home Hubs: You need to have the right accent.
  10. And new in the Hype Cycle: IDC now includes knowledge graphs in its human/machine predictions.