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Thierry Declerck has been a senior researcher at the multilingual technologies group of the DFKI GmbH since June 1996 and simultaneously works for the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics of Saarland University in Saarbrücken. In addition, he was a senior member at the Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences until end of 2016. He heads the FP7 project PHEME on computer veracity in social media to run until the end of March 2017 (for the Saarland University) and joined the H2020 project FREME on digital content enrichment started in February 2015. His numerous current and past projects, such as TrendMiner or FP7 LIDER, have been dealing with the relation of language technologies and semantic conceptual representations and with infrastructures for language resources. Thierry Declerck was also actively involved in ISO TC37/SC4/ (on language resources management) and now contributes to the standardization activities of the W3C consortium (the Ontolex Community Group).