Marko Grobelnik is an expert in the areas of analysis and knowledge discovery in large complex databases. In particular, the areas of expertise comprise: Data Mining, Text Mining, Semantic Technologies, Network Analysis, and Complex Data Visualization. Marko collaborates with major European and US academic institutions and consults industries such as British Telecom, Microsoft Research, Nature, New York Times, Bloomberg, and Accenture. Marko is author of several books in the area of machine learning, data mining, text mining and semantic technologies and authors of many scientific papers. He is also W3C AC representative for IJS, CEO of the company Quintelligence and co-founder of the company Cycorp Europe. In the past years he organized series of workshops on text-mining TextKDD and network analysis LinkKDD at ACM KDD conferences. Marko served also as a program chair for European Machine Learning conference (ECMLPKDD 2009) and for European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011). In terms of the past project experience, Marko has been technical coordinator for projects FP6 IST-World and FP7 VIDI and scientific coordinator of FP7 project X-LIKE; he was a member of project management board in several FP6 and FP7 Integrated Projects (SEKT, NEON, ACTIVE, COIN) and STREP projects.