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Personal Bio

Originally trained in theoretical physics, Mathew Lowry has been piloting innovative online communications since 1995, when he launched the first database-driven website by any European public organisation. Other early best practices include launching the first Web2.0 online community for the European Commission (2002); the first “cross-silo” thematic portal and content management system for EU Institutions (2003); and BlogActiv, the most successful EU policy blogging platform (2007).

More specifically, he pioneered the first two uses of semantic technologies in European communications, using OpenCalais:

  • during the relaunch of EC magazine ACP Courier (2009) to categorise thousands of articles, adding new geographic and thematic interfaces to the navigation amd algorithmic recommended reading crosslinks alongside each article
  • to analyse legacy (and future) web content for the European  Commission's DG CONNECT (2011) to help develop the information architecture for their Digital Agenda website, which replaced the 5 sites when launched in 2012.

Mathew's involved in two sessions at LTInnovate - see his Buyer's Challenge and Opening up EurActiv’s media innovation programme.


Presentation title: 
Hashtag Platform: Machine-assisted multilingual curation engine
Presentation description: 
“Hashtag Platform” will allow an international Community of Interest or Practice - or even an individual - to set up a site to multilingually curate content from across the web by combining human editorial judgement with "Hashtag Engine", an innovative combination of several advanced language technologies. Briefly, the system involves: - Source Curation: Community Members choose sources to be curated (human editorial judgement) - Semantic Analysis: Hashtag Engine auto-categorises each piece of content published by each source, using a multilingual taxonomy. Individual tags then map each piece to higher-level Themes, chosen by the Community - Faceted Search & Machine Translation: abstracts of each piece of tagged and Themed content (each linking back to the original source) appear on the site, where an innovative combination of faceted search, federated search and integrated machine translation allows users to quickly find content of interest across language barriers - Human Validation: Community Members validate/correct the automatic classification, and highlight individual pieces of high-quality content (human editorial judgement), pushing them to the Home Page and out via social media and enewsletters - Machine learning: the Engine improves its classification accuracy by analysing the Members' editorial judgement: their corrections of its automatically assigned tags, quality judgements, and site usage (each time a user follows a link to the source represents some validation of the tags assigned to it by the Engine). - Sentiment Analysis and Text Summary: Members can also select multiple pieces of content and extract more value from them via Sentiment Analysis and Text Summary technologies. Some more details: https://medium.com/@mathewlowry/advanced-technologies-for-european-democracy-e3c3ecbbe996#.5jgvg1yl8 and http://mathew.blogactiv.eu/tag/bloggingportal2