No time to read all tweets, scoops, blogs? Here is a summary of the Top Ten LT stories of the month, selected by our LangTechNews editor Andrew Joscelyne. Enjoy – and if you have a newsworthy story, contact us.
1. Data management is becoming a critical issue, now that machine learning is taking centre-stage in LT developments. A UK government call for “Data Trusts” took our top story spot.
2. The race to cognitively-driven legal tech explains why IBM is working with Swedish firms on legal AI.
3. Clarifying the roles of machine learning and linguistic learning when building customer interaction devices is crucial to Artificial Solution’s strategy.
4. Fascinating survey of how augmented reality audio will sound track your life.
5. Market predictions always attract the hopeful. Here is a Healthcare LT and a text-to-speech market double pack for the price of one.
6. Generating language data and domain content from scratch requires crowdsourcing, as the Arab Emirates have discovered.
7. Free open platform for transcribing with Deepgram.
8. Remarkable assistive technology for locked-in syndrome: blink-to-text.
9. Kids talk to robots in what we choose to call “natural” language!
10. Next month, the machine will write most of this list as co-author!