No time to read all tweets, scoops, blogs? Here is a summary of the Top Ten LT stories of the month, selected by our LangTechNews editor Andrew Joscelyne. Enjoy – and if you have a newsworthy story, contact us.
- News favourite of the month: France’s Syllabs produces unique texts in multiple languages, real time and large quantities. For lots of different end users.
- Sinequa helps DZ Bank staff to do more work better with cognitive search and analytics.
- Stanford University 2017 AI Index Report aims to measure AI progress more scientifically.
- The Global Legal Hackathon next February will hopefully feature lots of LT applications.
- The Bulgarian company Media Monitor is launching an innovative machine learning-driven platform.
- For legal eagles, the US company LawDroid is disrupting the profession with its first voice-activated legal bot.
- Not surprisingly in an ML decade, chipsets for deep learning systems are set to grow and grow.
- Reports of the month: first on speech analytics, due to grow at 28% for at least three years.
- More generally, this speech tech report covers a lot of ground, but not many EU companies.
- And finally, see what this Indian speech tech company is doing to beat the giants in both language coverage and quality.