Zetta Cloud

Zetta Cloud


400000 Cluj-Napoca

Language Intelligence and the Fake News Challenge

The news production and security industries are undergoing a growing threat from fake news across every media, as are all organisations where accurate, time-bound news on persons, entities and events in specific locations are critical to their business and security.

Sentiment Analysis Symposium - Emotion :: Influence :: Activation (New York)

What Are Your Customers Thinking? ... and saying, tweeting, and posting?

Go beyond dashboards, to link emotion to satisfaction, loyalty, motivation, and advocacy. We apply sentiment analysis to understand and exploit market drivers, whether the markets are consumer, media, or financial. If you rely on data insights, the Sentiment Analysis Symposium is for you!

Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes (GSI) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes (GSI) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Avda. Complutense, 30
28040 Madrid

Prompsit Language Engineering

Prompsit Language Engineering


UMH Science and Business Park. UMH Campus. Quotum III Building. Av. de la Universitat, s/n
03202 Elx
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