Tuesday 17 May 2016
08.30 |
09.00 |
Philippe Wacker, LT-Innovate
Video Message Paul Rübig, Member of the European Parliament
09.30 |
Infrastructures for Multilingual Europe Jochen Hummel, CEO, Coreon, The LTI Cloud Steve Renals, University of Edinburgh, Towards an Interaction Baselayer Andrew Joscelyne, LT-Innovate, The Language Resources Observatory
10.30 |
Coffee Break
11.00 |
LT CEO Summit: Language - The New Frontier for Business and Government
Panel discussion moderated by Florian Faes, Slator
David Canek, Memsource - Jochem Hummel, Coreon/LT-Innovate - Charles Huot, Expert System - Christoph Prinz, Sail Labs - Christopher Pyne, SAP - Marco Trombetti, Translated
12.00 |
Customers Challenge the Industry: Dynamic Knowledge Stores and Machine Translation Challenger: Pascal Coupet, Director of Smart Content, Research - Elsevier Respondents: François Brown de Colstoun, Lingua et Machina - Filip De Geyter, Actonomy
12.45 |
Walking Lunch
13.45 |
Solution Showcase: The Rebirth of Artificial Intelligence and How it Affects Language Technology
Luc Meertens & Bram Vandewalle, CrossLang; Dominique Deckmyn, De Standaard; Kris Demuynck, Ghent University & iMinds–MultimediaLab
14.30 |
Solutions Showcase: Combining Language Technologies with Structured Content Processes for Medical Devices Frits Jacobs, Philips Medical & Ambra Neri, SDL
15.15 |
Coffee Break
15.45 |
Technology Spotlights & Project Results Gudrun Magnusdottir, Coreon, The Way to Cross-border Interoperability Jose C. Gonzalez, s|ngular, Automatic Extraction of Rich Customer Profiles from their Activity in Social Networks Martin Kaltenböck, Semantic Web Company, PoolParty Semantic Suite - Unlock the Meaning of your Data Francesco Danza, Expert System, From sentiment to emotional analytics: tools and case studies from the Mixedemotions project Marco Trombetti, MateCat, Instant Quote Tech for Translation Companies Marek Mazur, KantanMT - Improving the Machine Translation Review Process with Translation Automation Rihards Kalniņš, Tilde, Enabling Multilingual Communication for the EU Presidency Stefano Aversa, Lionbridge, Testing Language: best practices for testing multilingual voice and graphical user interfaces Ian Cowley, Forvo, Pronouncing all the Words in the World with Forvo George Giannakopoulos, SciFY & NCSR Demokritos, Summarization Across Languages, Media Types and Domains Vincent Vandeghinste, University of Leuven, The SCATE Project: Envisaged Results
The SCATE Project: Envisaged Results
18.30 |
LT-Innovate Award Ceremony
 Expert System & AYLIEN
Drinks and Networking
Wednesday 18 May 2016
08.30 |
09.00 |
 Dialogue Day
Opening Keynote
Karl-Heinz Lambertz
President of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
Vice-President of the European Committee of the Regions
09.30 |
Language Policies and Funding Sources in Europe
Panel chaired by Margaretha Mazura David Pérez Fernández, Cabinet of the Spanish Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society Kimmo Rossi, European Commission, DG CONNECT - Gareth Morlais, Welsh Government - Llywodraeth Cymru – Matthias Weichhart, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) - Peter Spyns, Flemish Government, Department of Economy, Science & Innovation - Peter Pharow, Fraunhofer-Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie IDMT
10.30 |
Coffee Break
11.00 |
Solution Showcase: Putting Customer Satisfaction First Thanks to Semantics (Cases in Publishing and Banking) Olivier Delteil, Les Echos, Charles Huot & Claudio Palmolungo, Expert System
Language Infrastructures and Language Resources:
Pulling the Pieces of the Jigsaw Together
Language Resources Andrew Joscelyne, LT-Innovate: Making Language Resources Operationally Usable - the Challenge Bart Wloka, University of Vienna: Improving the Usability of Existing LRs and Speeding up the Creation of New LRs Matthias Heyn, SDL: In-domain LRs – a Survey of Industry Needs Gareth Morlais, Welsh Goverrnment - Llywodraeth Cymru: The Case for Generating LRs for Less-used Languages
11.40 |
Solution Showcase: What Text Analytics can do for Data Processing in Market Research Institutes Evert Rutgers, TNS Sofres; François-Régis Chaumartin, Proxem
12.20 |
Walking Lunch
13.20 |
Solution Showcase: CrossLingual Media: Blending Language Technologies and Human Post-editing to Boost Content Exchanges & Grow the European Media and Translation Industries Christophe Leclercq & David Mekkaoui, EurActiv; Rihards Kalniņš, Tilde; Andrzej Zydron, XTM
Multilingual Data Experimentation
Steve Renals, University of Edinburgh Sebastien Marcel, IDIAP Tanja Schultz, University of Bremen, XLingual Khalid Choukri, ELDA/ELRA Matt Simpson, Ericsson Ariane Nabeth-Halber, Vecsys
14.00 |
Technology Challenges Matthew Lowry, Fresh Integral Communications, Hashtag Platform: Machine-assisted Multilingual Curation [more] Ruben Riestra, Inmark, Opportunities for LT in EU Cross-border e-Commerce
14.40 |
Coffee Break
15.00 |
Technology Spotlights & Project Results Gema Ramirez Sanchez, Prompsit, AltLang, an Automatic Language Variety Converter for English, Spanish, French and Portuguese Robert Etches, TextMinded, Building a Utility Platform for Multilingual Communication Gard Jenset, Artificial Solutions, Data Mining Conversations – Hot Air or a Scoop for Business? Christoph Prinz, Sail Labs, Automatic Speech Recognition Research Progress Hits the Road Dominik Radziszowski, XTRF Management Systems, Changing Integration Paradigm with XTRF Smart Connectors Monika Lucza, easyling, Automated Human Translation – the Best of Both Worlds James Anderson, Linguali SAS, Facilitating Simultaneous Interpreting
Automated Translation Infrastructure Andrejs Vasiljevs, Tilde: CEF.AT – State of Play Davide Caroselli, ModernMT: Context-aware Machine Translation
European Interoperability Assets Infrastructure Jochen Hummel, Coreon Vassilios Peristeras, European Commission - DG DIGIT Peter Schmitz, Publications Office of the European Union (EUROVOC)
LTI Cloud Luc Meertens & Joachim Van den Bogaert, Crosslang: The LTI Cloud - Next Steps
17.00 |
End of Programme