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Presentation title: 
Rapport: Towards Mass Adoption of AI-driven Avatars
Presentation description: 
In this presentation, we will present the Rapport platform as well as example use cases in training/education and marketing. With the rapid adoption of LLM based dialogue solutions, many companies are exploring the use of Ai-driven avatars to create engaging experiences for example in training and education but also as brand ambassadors or virtual influencers. To build a successful experience utilising avatars and AI, latency is a major issue that must be overcome. It is not trivial to integrate the many different technologies that have to work together seamlessly, including rendering, networking, TTS, and ASR. All of these technologies create their own latency and there are strategies such as using gestures or fillers to bridge certain delays. Speech Graphics award winning voice-driven animation technology is the standard solution for AAA video game companies. It has now released the Rapport platform that integrates all the required voice and AI services from many different vendors, including OpenAI, Google, ElevenLabs, Groq, and many others together with avatar creation and animation. It allows users to connect the different technologies with minimal latency and incorporate filler strategies with no need to code.