GROWTH! How to connect languages and transform commerce for the DSM - View all presentations and join the competition!
ICT2015 took place from 20 to 22 October 2015 in Lisbon. EMF together with LT-Innovate and LT Observatory partners Zabala, Clarin and University of Vienna as well as the CRACKER project did organise a networking session with the title:"GROWTH! How to connect languages and transform commerce for the Digital Single Market". Kimmo Rossi, EC, welcomed the audience. A panel of 5 representatives from industry and research gave "Ignite Talks" (20 slides that change at a 15 second rhythm to keep the 5 minute time limit):
Séan Gaines, VICOMTECH: LT in Big Data Applications
Andrejs Vasiljevs,TILDE: LT for eCommerce and cross-border services
Francesco A. Danza, Expertsystem: The opportunities that multilingual data analytics can offer to e-commerce in the Digital Single Market
Costis Kompis, VODERA/Rockit project: Roadmap for conversational interaction technologies
Georg Rehm, META-NET/Cracker project: A strategic R&I Agenda for the multilingual Digital Single Market
Video "pitch" from Gareth Morlais, Welsh Government/Language Unit: Time to Crowdsource
As always, time run out, partially due to some technical problems, so that discussion took place after the session outside the room. Amongst the listeners and discutants was also the European Commission's new Chief officer for Innovation, Robert Madelin.
The Competition for a solution for the multilingual DSM was launched and will be continued to a broader audience as a follow-up to the networking session. The winner will be invited to the LT-Innovate Summit in June 2016 where s/he can present his/her solution to experts, amongst them also VC specialists.