LT-Innovate unveils an in-depth analysis of the present state and future potential of the European Language Technology market: "LT2013: Status and Potential of the European Language Technology Markets". This report provides projections for the next five years that demonstrate the critical role the LT industry plays in the development of a single, multilingual, digital marketplace.
The future of the industry, says the report, will depend on LT becoming the critical enabling technology for the rapid emergence of Unified Communications, Unified Information Access and a Unified User Experience across the digital marketplace as a whole.
LT-Innovate strongly believes that Language Technology is a key enabling technology for Europe's Digital Single Market. By automating the complex processes involved in managing linguistic content, spoken interaction and language translation, Language Technology could deliver a major boost to Europe's global competitiveness. Now that social media, the cloud, mobile and big data are transforming the IT ecosystem, language technology is poised as the missing piece in the great digital puzzle.
Check out the Executive Summary and Key Extracts of the Report. (.pdf)
Découvrez la Synthèse et les Extraits clés du Rapport. (.pdf)