Plenary Opening Panel
Jochen Hummel, Chairman of LT-Innovate and CEO of ESTeam
Chris Lewis, Group Vice President, International Telecoms and Networking, IDC
Hervé Bourlard, Chairman IDIAP - Founding Director, Koemei
Erwin van Lun, CEO & Founder
Marcus Polke, Investment Director, Acton Capital
Roberto Cencioni, Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Connect
Innovation Focus Sessions
Yvonne Heinke, Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
Martin Le Vrang, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Tatiana Parfentieva, ABBYY
Gregory Grefenstette, 3DS Exalead
István Lengyel, Kilgray
Can Unal, Linguasys
Moshe Wasserblat, NICE
Diego Bartolome, tauyou
Stephan Geiβler, TEMIS
Jakub Zavrel, Textkernel
Ian Schofield, JayBee
- James Rowe, Toby Churchill
Andrejs Vasiljevs, Tilde
- Ed Kool, Lingvistica
- Elsa Monsegur, Softissimo
- Wolfgang Mackiewicz, Freie Universität Berlin, CELAN
- Jeroen Fransen, Joyrite
Alexander Rylov, ABBYY
Richard Gain, Clinithink
Jose Gonzalez, Daedalus
Ian Schofield, Jaybee
Oier Ateka Barrutia, King’s College London
Innovative Partnering
and Collaborative Projects
- Baard Krogshus, eMatch Norway
Kimmo Rossi, European Commission, DG Connect
- Casper Davies, Bitext
Showcase Presentation Sessions
Session I
Rachel Freeman - Creative Virtual
Ioannis Iakovidis - Interverbum Tech
Ian Butler - LingleOnline Ltd
Ed Kool - Lingvistica
Feiyu Xu - Yocoy Technologies GmbH
Session II
Frederik Cailliau - Sinequa
Casper Davies - Bitext Innovations
Jose Gonzalez - DAEDALUS, S.A.
Estelle Delpech - Nomao (Ebuzzing group)
- Balázs Benedek - Skawa Technologies Ltd.
Jeroen Fransen - Joyrite
Session III
Juan Jose Bermudez - Lingua e-Solutions
- Jakub Zavrel - Textkernel BV
Gregory Grefenstette - 3DS Exalead
Alexander Rylov - ABBYY Europe Gmbh
Moshe Wasserblat - NICE Systems
Session IV
Luc Meertens - CrossLang
David Canek - Memsource
Niko Papula - Multilizer
Philippe Laval - Kwaga
Caterina M. Berbenni-Rehm - PROMIS@Service
Session V
- Nadja Grimm - LinguaSys
Stefan Geiβler - TEMIS
Christoph Goller - Intrafind
Paul Murphy - Call Trunk Holdings Ltd
Session VI
Elsa Monségur - Softissimo
Diego Bartolome - Tauyou language technology
Andrejs Vasiljevs - Tilde
- Rupert Evans - TranslateMedia
Diane Hanghøj - WebWordSystem
Andrzej Zydron - XTM International
Closing Panel: The Voice of the Forum
Panel reports from :
Claude de Loupy : iEntreprise
- Jochen Hummel : iServices
Adriane Rinsche : iHealth
Paul Welham : iHelpers
Ian Butler : iSkills
Developing a Vision Statement for the Industry
Ruben Riestra, Special Advisor, LT-Innovate
LT-Innovate: The Way Forward
Philippe Wacker, Secretary General, LT-Innovate